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How we work together
How we work together

How we work together

   Our work together starts with an initial discovery call. We will identify where you are right now, where you want to be, and what might be getting in your way. If coaching together seems like a great "fit," we will look at package options and determine what is right for you.


   Coaching sessions take place via a series of one-hour phone calls and focus on a supportive framework of self-awareness, action, accountability, and follow-through. Calls are usually scheduled weekly, and as coaching is action-based, it is up to you to do the work in between sessions and come prepared to each call.


Coaching Services

Time Management/Productivity


Are you constantly rushing, running behind, or feeling unprepared? Do you find it hard to fit everything into your schedule or figure out what (and how) to prioritize? 

Learning to manage time effectively will help you stay a step ahead of your to-do list so you can make time for all of your important "needs and wants."


Time Management/Productivity coaching explores how to:

  • Become more aware of distractions and time-wasters

  • Understand your least and most productive times of the day

  • Create a time management strategy based on your unique modalities (how you take in & process information - i.e. visually, kinesthetically, auditorily)

  • Formulate realistic short and long-term goals

  • Slow down and create "space to breathe"

Tech Watch
 Young Woman Contemplating
Executive Functioning & ADHDDebra Levy
00:00 / 06:37

Do you have trouble getting motivated & figuring out how to prioritize multi-step projects? Are you impulsive and have trouble managing your emotions, sometimes leading to poor decision making? Do you lose focus quickly on tasks that are not so exciting but hyper-focus on others and lose track of time? Are you always miscalculating how long things will take? Do you start multiple projects and rarely finish any of them?


ADHD/Executive Function Coaching focuses on a number of areas including:

  • Building awareness of what is currently working for you and building on your unique "tool-box" of strengths and modalities

  • Helping you to estimate time in a more realistic way

  • Creating internal motivation so that you don't feel the need to rely on external deadlines to get things done

  • Learning how to set goals, break tasks down into small, doable steps, and prioritize them in an efficient way

  • Keeping distractions at bay and learning how to focus on what's important

Life Goals & Transitions


Are you spending more time focusing on "must dos" and neglecting your "would love to's ?" Are you making a life transition and struggling to rebalance your priorities? Do you want to make more time for learning new skills, traveling, studying, better self-care, and/or getting together with family and friends? Get the tools and support you need to structure a more balanced life - one that allows you to use your innate gifts and abilities to make room for your passions and dreams.


Life Goals/Transitions Coaching will help you to:

  • Identify your values, needs, and big-picture goals

  • Envision the details of your "ideal day" and how to fit it all in

  • Create strategies and develop a realistic time-frame to achieve your goals

  • Design a support system that provides the motivation and accountability you need to stay on-track


Life & Home Organization


Organized Desk

Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed as a result of less-than-ideal space utilization, excess clutter, or a lack of systems that can keep you more organized? Maximizing your space and creating an environment that is efficient as well as beautiful can really make a difference in how you feel about yourself. Having everything in the right place can help you to be less stressed and more empowered to take on your day.


Life & Home Organization coaching focuses on:

  • Clarifying your goals for your home and/or office and determining what is/isn't working within your spaces or systems

  • Determining what steps you need to take to help move you forward towards your organizing goals

  • Identify ways to help you stay focused and motivated 

  • Learning how to deal with challenges that may arise so that you can achieve and maintain great results

Want to connect and learn more?

Let's Talk!


Do you have ADHD, Executive Function,
or Productivity challenges?


Learn how to thrive and not just survive!

A   LifeThat FitsLLC

       Coaching and Consulting

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